Lisa's Ramblings
A place where Lisa writes about whatever is on her mind.

Some lessons 47 taught me! September 2023
Yesterday I reflected on 47. How much I have grown, how many lessons and how many beautiful things have blessed me. ❤️
Thank you 47, you were a year of lessons, and you went out with a bang!
Here are some of the things I personally have learned, especially this year:
🌻 There are a lot of competitions in life, friendships should not be one of them. Send them love.
🌻 When someone shows you their true colours, believe them. Don’t try to justify it or apologize, especially when you didn’t do anything wrong. Send them love.
🌻 People may make you the bad guy to fill their narrative. Especially when they benefit from it. Send them love.
🌻 It doesn’t matter how much you do for someone, and how good your intentions are, there will be the odd person that doesn’t recognize any of it because they’re so wrapped up in their own world. Do it anyway! Send them love.
🌻 When someone has to fill the quiet with loud talking and to be the victim, it’s usually because there is a sad, insecure little person inside them, that needs to do a lot of healing. Send them love.
🌻 Friendship should be easy, and even if you don’t talk every day or even every week, true friendship picks up where you left off like no time has passed. Friendship isn’t drama, isn’t backstabbing or intentionally being hurtful. And if it’s any of that send them love.
🌻 If you intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone, apologize and send them love.
🌻 Everyone has stuff they need to heal from, some are willing to face those shadows, embrace those shadows, shine the light on those shadows and heal those shadows. Send them love.
🌻 Forgiveness is so important. Forgiveness is for you not for them. If you don’t forgive them, it takes up space in your heart and your head. Forgive them and send them love.
🌻 Live in a place of gratitude every single day. Did you wake up today? Count your blessings. Do you have family and friends that you love and love you back? Count your blessings. A roof over your head, food in the cupboards, heat, hydro and fresh water? Count your blessings. There is always, always, always something to be grateful for.
🌻 Always trust your intuition, it’ll never steer you wrong or towards anything negative. Send yourself love.
🌻 Life is about lessons and how we handle them, they are given to us to grow from, even the most painful lessons. And if those lessons come from people, send them love.
🌻 When you are thinking or speaking about something for 17 seconds you start to manifest, good or bad! At 68 seconds that ball begins to roll and Universe (or God if you prefer) will give you more of what you have your attention on, so if it’s a negative thought, bam here’s more negative thoughts! When this happens pay attention to everything because you will get more negative experience and more things to complain about. The same goes for positive things, like if you go on a rant of gratitude or start talking about positive things, you’ll get positive things, experiences and synchronicities. The universe (God) will give you more positive thing and experience.
🌻 Be careful what you ask for, it may just happen. Asking (praying) for Archangel Michael to sever any and all connections to people, places and things that are no longer for your highest and greatest good. When the connection is severed, send them love.
🌻 Always give back, whether it be a smile, a coffee, holding the door or volunteer, it doesn’t have to cost a lot, but it could change the receiver's whole day. Send everyone love.
🌻 Speak this mantra to yourself many times a day “I am enough” because you are enough, after a while you’ll believe it. Send yourself love.
🌻 Let go of your limiting thoughts and beliefs, especially any negative ones, they may have come from your upbringing or environment, but chances are you no longer (if you ever) need them. Let them go, back to the last one, you are enough! Send yourself more love.
🌻 “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” “What other people think of you, is none of your business” - Dr Wayne Dyer
🌻 Your vibe is your tribe and vibe are your tribe. Who you surround yourself with is huge! They either lift you up or the drag you down. Be grateful for the ones that lift you up and send love to the ones that drag you down.
🌻 If you don’t respect your boundaries, others won’t either.
🌻 Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, live your best life today, live with no regrets and live in love, light and peace.
48 is going to be one of my best years yet! I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I know it’ll be a year filled with love, light, peace and opportunities.
Yesterday I reflected on 47. How much I have grown, how many lessons and how many beautiful things have blessed me. ❤️
Thank you 47, you were a year of lessons, and you went out with a bang!
Here are some of the things I personally have learned, especially this year:
🌻 There are a lot of competitions in life, friendships should not be one of them. Send them love.
🌻 When someone shows you their true colours, believe them. Don’t try to justify it or apologize, especially when you didn’t do anything wrong. Send them love.
🌻 People may make you the bad guy to fill their narrative. Especially when they benefit from it. Send them love.
🌻 It doesn’t matter how much you do for someone, and how good your intentions are, there will be the odd person that doesn’t recognize any of it because they’re so wrapped up in their own world. Do it anyway! Send them love.
🌻 When someone has to fill the quiet with loud talking and to be the victim, it’s usually because there is a sad, insecure little person inside them, that needs to do a lot of healing. Send them love.
🌻 Friendship should be easy, and even if you don’t talk every day or even every week, true friendship picks up where you left off like no time has passed. Friendship isn’t drama, isn’t backstabbing or intentionally being hurtful. And if it’s any of that send them love.
🌻 If you intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone, apologize and send them love.
🌻 Everyone has stuff they need to heal from, some are willing to face those shadows, embrace those shadows, shine the light on those shadows and heal those shadows. Send them love.
🌻 Forgiveness is so important. Forgiveness is for you not for them. If you don’t forgive them, it takes up space in your heart and your head. Forgive them and send them love.
🌻 Live in a place of gratitude every single day. Did you wake up today? Count your blessings. Do you have family and friends that you love and love you back? Count your blessings. A roof over your head, food in the cupboards, heat, hydro and fresh water? Count your blessings. There is always, always, always something to be grateful for.
🌻 Always trust your intuition, it’ll never steer you wrong or towards anything negative. Send yourself love.
🌻 Life is about lessons and how we handle them, they are given to us to grow from, even the most painful lessons. And if those lessons come from people, send them love.
🌻 When you are thinking or speaking about something for 17 seconds you start to manifest, good or bad! At 68 seconds that ball begins to roll and Universe (or God if you prefer) will give you more of what you have your attention on, so if it’s a negative thought, bam here’s more negative thoughts! When this happens pay attention to everything because you will get more negative experience and more things to complain about. The same goes for positive things, like if you go on a rant of gratitude or start talking about positive things, you’ll get positive things, experiences and synchronicities. The universe (God) will give you more positive thing and experience.
🌻 Be careful what you ask for, it may just happen. Asking (praying) for Archangel Michael to sever any and all connections to people, places and things that are no longer for your highest and greatest good. When the connection is severed, send them love.
🌻 Always give back, whether it be a smile, a coffee, holding the door or volunteer, it doesn’t have to cost a lot, but it could change the receiver's whole day. Send everyone love.
🌻 Speak this mantra to yourself many times a day “I am enough” because you are enough, after a while you’ll believe it. Send yourself love.
🌻 Let go of your limiting thoughts and beliefs, especially any negative ones, they may have come from your upbringing or environment, but chances are you no longer (if you ever) need them. Let them go, back to the last one, you are enough! Send yourself more love.
🌻 “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” “What other people think of you, is none of your business” - Dr Wayne Dyer
🌻 Your vibe is your tribe and vibe are your tribe. Who you surround yourself with is huge! They either lift you up or the drag you down. Be grateful for the ones that lift you up and send love to the ones that drag you down.
🌻 If you don’t respect your boundaries, others won’t either.
🌻 Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, live your best life today, live with no regrets and live in love, light and peace.
48 is going to be one of my best years yet! I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I know it’ll be a year filled with love, light, peace and opportunities.

July 3/23 - Previous facebook post
Tonight we had a first full moon circle since last year and it was glorious! I didn’t realize how much I needed it or how much I missed it.
I am so grateful for the day and evening spent with some of my besties! And of course including someone new (to the circle) made it even more special.
Someone fairly close to me recently said “Lisa, you have changed”, I denied it. “No, I am the same Lisa, I was a year ago!” But then I got to thinking, they were right. I am a different Lisa. I respect my boundaries now, and I fully expect others to as well. I have confidence (not to be mistaken for ego) in my abilities, I believe in myself and that my friends, took me 47 years to do. No really!
I don’t need personal validation or for anyone to hear a sob story from me. I don’t ever want to be the victim or seen as the victim either. I surround myself with people that 100% have my back, and I theirs. I know that no one in my tiny close circle, is saying one thing and doing another. I know they’re not talking sh!t about me and acting nice to my face.
Although I have had help building my confidence in my abilities and believing in myself, it was I, that made the choice to make the changes I needed to be who I am today.
I choose to help people whenever I can, and I only work in love and light.
It’s funny how when you ask the universe to remove , people, places and things that are no longer of your highest and greatest good and it happens. Even people you thought would be in your life for the rest of your life.
So thank you to those that played a role in helping me to become who I am today, I am grateful to you. Even if our relationship is no longer what it was. I send you love. I send you light and I send you healing. And again thank you for your part in my journey.
I release all that no longer serves my highest and greatest good.
I am grateful for each and everyone of you on this page too ❤️
Happy Full Moon 🌕
Tonight we had a first full moon circle since last year and it was glorious! I didn’t realize how much I needed it or how much I missed it.
I am so grateful for the day and evening spent with some of my besties! And of course including someone new (to the circle) made it even more special.
Someone fairly close to me recently said “Lisa, you have changed”, I denied it. “No, I am the same Lisa, I was a year ago!” But then I got to thinking, they were right. I am a different Lisa. I respect my boundaries now, and I fully expect others to as well. I have confidence (not to be mistaken for ego) in my abilities, I believe in myself and that my friends, took me 47 years to do. No really!
I don’t need personal validation or for anyone to hear a sob story from me. I don’t ever want to be the victim or seen as the victim either. I surround myself with people that 100% have my back, and I theirs. I know that no one in my tiny close circle, is saying one thing and doing another. I know they’re not talking sh!t about me and acting nice to my face.
Although I have had help building my confidence in my abilities and believing in myself, it was I, that made the choice to make the changes I needed to be who I am today.
I choose to help people whenever I can, and I only work in love and light.
It’s funny how when you ask the universe to remove , people, places and things that are no longer of your highest and greatest good and it happens. Even people you thought would be in your life for the rest of your life.
So thank you to those that played a role in helping me to become who I am today, I am grateful to you. Even if our relationship is no longer what it was. I send you love. I send you light and I send you healing. And again thank you for your part in my journey.
I release all that no longer serves my highest and greatest good.
I am grateful for each and everyone of you on this page too ❤️
Happy Full Moon 🌕
May 27/23 - Previous Facebook Post
Today we are paranormal investigating a location up in Muskoka, don’t ask me anything about it beforehand, because I choose to go in “not knowing”, I used to say “blindly” but realized that, that I have affirming blindness and with my powerful manifesting abilities, I absolutely do not want to manifest blindness. I have learned to pick my words wisely.
I was just in my Epsom salt bath and did my clearing prayers and affirmations (as I do before most investigations) and when I was done, I was chatting with one of my besties (I have several), and this is what came out and I feel like this was also meant to be shared here too.
It’s funny how we grow and change as humans, and I am really noticing my growth, and how it affects relationships, I thought I’d have forever.
They begin to fade into the background and that’s ok, because we grow as people and maybe the growth that we have gone through with them, was for that specific time in our lives and then they fade away. Maybe the growth at that time was to help you or them become their best versions of themselves.
I am not saying that I am fading away from anyone, but we are each growing in our own ways, For me, with my learning as much as I can, to be able to help as many people as I can, and they’re still just existing as humans. Again that is ok for them. They too have their life path.
For me I want to live my best life everyday, and help as many people as I can.
I existed for almost 10 years until my beautiful daughter came into my life, I never want to just exist again.
I have also come to the realization that I can’t help everyone, and I can’t rescue everyone. I offer my services and try to help but that too, is their life path and if they are in a place or space to accept my help awesome but if they’re not, that’s ok too.
I only work in love and light, therefore nothing negative can come from the work that I do.
Have an amazingly awesome day, get out and enjoy the sunshine ☀️. It’s so good for your soul.
And repeat after me “something amazing and unexpected will happen to me today!”
Today we are paranormal investigating a location up in Muskoka, don’t ask me anything about it beforehand, because I choose to go in “not knowing”, I used to say “blindly” but realized that, that I have affirming blindness and with my powerful manifesting abilities, I absolutely do not want to manifest blindness. I have learned to pick my words wisely.
I was just in my Epsom salt bath and did my clearing prayers and affirmations (as I do before most investigations) and when I was done, I was chatting with one of my besties (I have several), and this is what came out and I feel like this was also meant to be shared here too.
It’s funny how we grow and change as humans, and I am really noticing my growth, and how it affects relationships, I thought I’d have forever.
They begin to fade into the background and that’s ok, because we grow as people and maybe the growth that we have gone through with them, was for that specific time in our lives and then they fade away. Maybe the growth at that time was to help you or them become their best versions of themselves.
I am not saying that I am fading away from anyone, but we are each growing in our own ways, For me, with my learning as much as I can, to be able to help as many people as I can, and they’re still just existing as humans. Again that is ok for them. They too have their life path.
For me I want to live my best life everyday, and help as many people as I can.
I existed for almost 10 years until my beautiful daughter came into my life, I never want to just exist again.
I have also come to the realization that I can’t help everyone, and I can’t rescue everyone. I offer my services and try to help but that too, is their life path and if they are in a place or space to accept my help awesome but if they’re not, that’s ok too.
I only work in love and light, therefore nothing negative can come from the work that I do.
Have an amazingly awesome day, get out and enjoy the sunshine ☀️. It’s so good for your soul.
And repeat after me “something amazing and unexpected will happen to me today!”

Monday August 14th, 2023 - The Sting of Disappointment
Firstly, I can't believe it's been almost a year since I wrote anything here. I moved these posts over from my other website. The one I feel like I grew out of. Ooohhh so much has changed in this last year. Maybe it's because I am creeping closer to 50.... Maybe it's because my kid is a teenager now and doesn't "need me" like she used to. I don't know, truthfully.
I have really done a lot of learning, growing, and changing this year. I have taken as many courses as I possible can to better myself, well I think it's honestly more to help people and have more ways to help people. I want to offer a one stop shoppe kind of thing. With my intuition as the guiding force, I want to be able to offer different healing options for my clients. I have added EFT Tapping, Hypnosis and Past Life Regression to name a few.
I have done things I would have never imagined! No really! I am now offering parties, which was something I said I would never do. Truth be told, I never thought I would offer readings, and here I am with my availability snapped up, as soon as it is posted. I am going to work on an online calendar though, hopefully soon. I am now in a place that I can and will be offering live events. Woah! Another new step in the right direction. I just want to help as many people as I can, by spreading as much love, light and healing, that I possibly can.
A few months ago, I was divinely guided to create Healthy Mindset Programs, if I explained this story, and how it came to fruition you would be amazed too! I will say I asked for guidance the night before, asking what my next step was, and I woke up literally itching to write it, and I did. The first one was a money mindset and now has changed and I will be releasing the updated version soon. I have created 3 programs so far and they have changed and evolved with each one. Today we started the 2nd Healthy Mindset - Weight Loss with over 20 members signed up! How friggin' cool is that? The thing is nothing in these programs that is ' spiritual or religious’, they are changing your mindset and geared to whichever program you choose to work on by doing some tapping, mindfulness, intentions and gratitude. Your whole world will change for the better. Seriously.
I once read a quote that said something along the lines of, if you lower your expectations of people, you're less likely to be disappointed by them. So, friggin' true! Although I still try to help them, I still offer guidance, I still send them healing, love and light. Sometimes I wonder if my bar is set to high for them. I am a Virgo after all. Believe me when I say, my picture should be beside the Virgo symbol. I am as Virgo as they come LOL. I can say though I would NEVER intentionally go out of my way to cause someone grief, heartache, stress, or tension, even if they do it me. I would never do anything to take opportunities away or exclude them, but this is a moment where I must lower my expectations. I also know that Karma is BITCH, and she will come for her revenge, so I myself live in a way that I never have to worry about Karma coming back at me, in a negative way.
I had a moment recently where an opportunity presented itself to me, at first I was like NO WAY! I could never do that, but my spirit guides told me in a dream, to do it! So, I woke up that morning and began the ball rolling. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I am not sure what happened, but it seems like it is a no go. I was SUPER disappointed this afternoon, when chatting to one of my besties about it. After my mini pity party (yes, I have them too! Mine are usually less than an hour or two lol), I realized that if it was meant to be it would happen, and it appears it won't be happening and that is ok. Even if someone prevented it from happening, if it was meant to happen it most definitely would. So, although I was disappointed, I understand that universe has something better planned for me, and I will sit back and wait for it to be presented. And I will be ok with it, and everything surrounding it. Can I tell you how much lighter I feel now that I have come to this realization? Seriously, it is like a weight has been lifted off my heart, and off my shoulders. As my husbands Grandma used to say, "What is meant for you, will not pass you by!" I had forgotten about that until I was just writing this.
I could have fallen into a deep woah is me party but instead I turned it around. Another part of my growth, I amaze myself sometimes. And I live with a grateful heart. I will Ho'oponopono on it, and release it out into the universe and move on.
As I lay my head on my pillow tonight, I know I did the best that I could with this day, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone, so I am going to make the best of my tomorrow and live in a place of gratitude from the time I open my eyes until I go to bed again. I am very blessed.
Have a beautiful tomorrow!
Sending you love, light and blessings
Lisa <3
Firstly, I can't believe it's been almost a year since I wrote anything here. I moved these posts over from my other website. The one I feel like I grew out of. Ooohhh so much has changed in this last year. Maybe it's because I am creeping closer to 50.... Maybe it's because my kid is a teenager now and doesn't "need me" like she used to. I don't know, truthfully.
I have really done a lot of learning, growing, and changing this year. I have taken as many courses as I possible can to better myself, well I think it's honestly more to help people and have more ways to help people. I want to offer a one stop shoppe kind of thing. With my intuition as the guiding force, I want to be able to offer different healing options for my clients. I have added EFT Tapping, Hypnosis and Past Life Regression to name a few.
I have done things I would have never imagined! No really! I am now offering parties, which was something I said I would never do. Truth be told, I never thought I would offer readings, and here I am with my availability snapped up, as soon as it is posted. I am going to work on an online calendar though, hopefully soon. I am now in a place that I can and will be offering live events. Woah! Another new step in the right direction. I just want to help as many people as I can, by spreading as much love, light and healing, that I possibly can.
A few months ago, I was divinely guided to create Healthy Mindset Programs, if I explained this story, and how it came to fruition you would be amazed too! I will say I asked for guidance the night before, asking what my next step was, and I woke up literally itching to write it, and I did. The first one was a money mindset and now has changed and I will be releasing the updated version soon. I have created 3 programs so far and they have changed and evolved with each one. Today we started the 2nd Healthy Mindset - Weight Loss with over 20 members signed up! How friggin' cool is that? The thing is nothing in these programs that is ' spiritual or religious’, they are changing your mindset and geared to whichever program you choose to work on by doing some tapping, mindfulness, intentions and gratitude. Your whole world will change for the better. Seriously.
I once read a quote that said something along the lines of, if you lower your expectations of people, you're less likely to be disappointed by them. So, friggin' true! Although I still try to help them, I still offer guidance, I still send them healing, love and light. Sometimes I wonder if my bar is set to high for them. I am a Virgo after all. Believe me when I say, my picture should be beside the Virgo symbol. I am as Virgo as they come LOL. I can say though I would NEVER intentionally go out of my way to cause someone grief, heartache, stress, or tension, even if they do it me. I would never do anything to take opportunities away or exclude them, but this is a moment where I must lower my expectations. I also know that Karma is BITCH, and she will come for her revenge, so I myself live in a way that I never have to worry about Karma coming back at me, in a negative way.
I had a moment recently where an opportunity presented itself to me, at first I was like NO WAY! I could never do that, but my spirit guides told me in a dream, to do it! So, I woke up that morning and began the ball rolling. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I am not sure what happened, but it seems like it is a no go. I was SUPER disappointed this afternoon, when chatting to one of my besties about it. After my mini pity party (yes, I have them too! Mine are usually less than an hour or two lol), I realized that if it was meant to be it would happen, and it appears it won't be happening and that is ok. Even if someone prevented it from happening, if it was meant to happen it most definitely would. So, although I was disappointed, I understand that universe has something better planned for me, and I will sit back and wait for it to be presented. And I will be ok with it, and everything surrounding it. Can I tell you how much lighter I feel now that I have come to this realization? Seriously, it is like a weight has been lifted off my heart, and off my shoulders. As my husbands Grandma used to say, "What is meant for you, will not pass you by!" I had forgotten about that until I was just writing this.
I could have fallen into a deep woah is me party but instead I turned it around. Another part of my growth, I amaze myself sometimes. And I live with a grateful heart. I will Ho'oponopono on it, and release it out into the universe and move on.
As I lay my head on my pillow tonight, I know I did the best that I could with this day, and tomorrow is not promised to anyone, so I am going to make the best of my tomorrow and live in a place of gratitude from the time I open my eyes until I go to bed again. I am very blessed.
Have a beautiful tomorrow!
Sending you love, light and blessings
Lisa <3

Happy Saturday 😄 (October 15/22)
I always say, everything that has happened in your life, good and bad have made you who you are today!
Focus on the lessons and how you can grow. Focus on the positive and live in a place of gratitude and know that everything is working out for your greatest and highest good.
Pay attention to the words you speak, are you in a negative place or a victim mentality? If you are, you will only get negative things happening to you and you will continue to be the victim.
I am hyper aware of my thoughts and actions now because I have fallen into the victim mentality and I do not want to be in that place so when I realize it, I change my inner dialog. You can too.
You can’t be in a place of gratitude and have a victim mentality at the same time.
I choose gratitude today, tomorrow, and everyday. What will you choose today? Tomorrow and everyday?
I always say, everything that has happened in your life, good and bad have made you who you are today!
Focus on the lessons and how you can grow. Focus on the positive and live in a place of gratitude and know that everything is working out for your greatest and highest good.
Pay attention to the words you speak, are you in a negative place or a victim mentality? If you are, you will only get negative things happening to you and you will continue to be the victim.
I am hyper aware of my thoughts and actions now because I have fallen into the victim mentality and I do not want to be in that place so when I realize it, I change my inner dialog. You can too.
You can’t be in a place of gratitude and have a victim mentality at the same time.
I choose gratitude today, tomorrow, and everyday. What will you choose today? Tomorrow and everyday?

August 1/22 ©️
All you need is love…. True in so many ways. However, love doesn’t pay the bills, put food on the table, or gas in the vehicle. That you need a source of income for 😉
Ok so today I was messaged by my friends ex husband, I have to say 95% of the messages or requests for help that I give is to women, I don’t know if it’s because we are more open to it or we (sometimes) are better communicators or if we recognize that this is something we may need. Sorry guys, I mean no disrespect with that statement. Men are coming around to this “hokey pokey stuff”.
When I say all you need is love, I mean self love. Who knows maybe that’s what John Lennon meant, the same thing that I am going to say. All you need is self love. Cue listening to All you need is love by the Beatles. I grew up listening to the Beatles.
Anyway back to my friend’s ex husband, while chatting with him (and so many others) I realize that, some obstacles and problems in life come from not having self love.
When I was younger I heard something along the lines of, you can’t love anyone else, if you don’t love yourself. I agree with this to a degree. I can tell you though, without a doubt that, I have loved my husband for 26.5 years, we’ve been married for 25 years next week (August 9th) and I can tell you, I absolutely love him and I am so in love with him! I knew from the first positive pregnancy test, with my daughter, I loved her (we obviously didn’t know she was a girl then hahaha), the first time I saw that little heart blinking on the screen, when she looked like some kind of alien, I absolutely loved her. However, it took me, until I was in my 40’s, a lot of positive affirmations and educating myself through the words of Dr Wayne Dyer (RIP), Esther Hicks (Abraham), Louise Hay, Brene Brown (Thanks Candice L) and Oprah oh, and watching the Secret (now on Amazon Prime channels) that I really began my journey of self love.
Am I done this journey? Oh, hell no! I am a work in progress, literally. When I do something mindless or stupid, I tend to go back to negative thought about myself, which I quickly correct. I still doubt myself sometimes, unless I get immediate validation.
One of the other things I did when I began my journey of self love was, I put a positive affirmations picture as my background on my phone. It has things like “I am beautiful, I am confident, I am a good person” ect.
Dr Wayne Dyer taught me, one of the most powerful statements in the English language is “I am” because, what you follow that up with is what your subconscious hears. So, if you are lazy for example, instead of saying “I am lazy” change it to I am motivated to be the best version of myself”
If negative self talk comes in, counter it with something positive.
I did notice throughout this journey, that I used to do a lot of self sabotage myself, because I didn’t feel I was good enough. I did this by binge eating, eating unhealthy, negative self talk, surrounding myself with negative people, and partaking in drama Today, I generally eat better, I rarely talk negative about myself, and for the most part I stay as far away from drama as I can, this included removing “family” aka blood relatives from my life, this was one of the BEST decisions I ever made, no joke! I allowed people to take advantage of me in many ways.
Starting tomorrow pay attention to how you talk to yourself. I forget who said it (sorry in advance) but you wouldn’t speak to your child or anyone else like that, so why do we make it ok or justify it in our minds, to talk to ourselves that way? Well, it’s not ok! So together we are going to start changing it. Remember when you do something stupid, you’re not stupid, you did something stupid.
You may not see the changes right away but, you will begin to notice changes in your life as you are being your positive self talk journey. Watch what you are affirming too, like “I am sick” change it to “I have been unwell” see how by adding those few little words, it changes everything.
Remember “All you need is love”.
Have a blessed day, thank you for reading my ramblings, I hope you get something out of it.
Not my picture
All you need is love…. True in so many ways. However, love doesn’t pay the bills, put food on the table, or gas in the vehicle. That you need a source of income for 😉
Ok so today I was messaged by my friends ex husband, I have to say 95% of the messages or requests for help that I give is to women, I don’t know if it’s because we are more open to it or we (sometimes) are better communicators or if we recognize that this is something we may need. Sorry guys, I mean no disrespect with that statement. Men are coming around to this “hokey pokey stuff”.
When I say all you need is love, I mean self love. Who knows maybe that’s what John Lennon meant, the same thing that I am going to say. All you need is self love. Cue listening to All you need is love by the Beatles. I grew up listening to the Beatles.
Anyway back to my friend’s ex husband, while chatting with him (and so many others) I realize that, some obstacles and problems in life come from not having self love.
When I was younger I heard something along the lines of, you can’t love anyone else, if you don’t love yourself. I agree with this to a degree. I can tell you though, without a doubt that, I have loved my husband for 26.5 years, we’ve been married for 25 years next week (August 9th) and I can tell you, I absolutely love him and I am so in love with him! I knew from the first positive pregnancy test, with my daughter, I loved her (we obviously didn’t know she was a girl then hahaha), the first time I saw that little heart blinking on the screen, when she looked like some kind of alien, I absolutely loved her. However, it took me, until I was in my 40’s, a lot of positive affirmations and educating myself through the words of Dr Wayne Dyer (RIP), Esther Hicks (Abraham), Louise Hay, Brene Brown (Thanks Candice L) and Oprah oh, and watching the Secret (now on Amazon Prime channels) that I really began my journey of self love.
Am I done this journey? Oh, hell no! I am a work in progress, literally. When I do something mindless or stupid, I tend to go back to negative thought about myself, which I quickly correct. I still doubt myself sometimes, unless I get immediate validation.
One of the other things I did when I began my journey of self love was, I put a positive affirmations picture as my background on my phone. It has things like “I am beautiful, I am confident, I am a good person” ect.
Dr Wayne Dyer taught me, one of the most powerful statements in the English language is “I am” because, what you follow that up with is what your subconscious hears. So, if you are lazy for example, instead of saying “I am lazy” change it to I am motivated to be the best version of myself”
If negative self talk comes in, counter it with something positive.
I did notice throughout this journey, that I used to do a lot of self sabotage myself, because I didn’t feel I was good enough. I did this by binge eating, eating unhealthy, negative self talk, surrounding myself with negative people, and partaking in drama Today, I generally eat better, I rarely talk negative about myself, and for the most part I stay as far away from drama as I can, this included removing “family” aka blood relatives from my life, this was one of the BEST decisions I ever made, no joke! I allowed people to take advantage of me in many ways.
Starting tomorrow pay attention to how you talk to yourself. I forget who said it (sorry in advance) but you wouldn’t speak to your child or anyone else like that, so why do we make it ok or justify it in our minds, to talk to ourselves that way? Well, it’s not ok! So together we are going to start changing it. Remember when you do something stupid, you’re not stupid, you did something stupid.
You may not see the changes right away but, you will begin to notice changes in your life as you are being your positive self talk journey. Watch what you are affirming too, like “I am sick” change it to “I have been unwell” see how by adding those few little words, it changes everything.
Remember “All you need is love”.
Have a blessed day, thank you for reading my ramblings, I hope you get something out of it.
Not my picture

July 17/22
Today, I had another early morning chat with one of my besties. We have some of our best chats in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Sometimes it helps me to hear messages for myself, which as a medium I rarely get, messages for myself.
Today, I realized that after the events of the last 12 hours that I too have to work on, my shadow work. I found some great information on a few websites to help me begin this process. I, imagine it will be a tough journey, but it’ll be essential in me being the best version of myself. There are also some guided meditations on YouTube, that I will be trying.
When I give healing advice, I feel it’s like someone or something takes over my body and guides me to give the person I am giving the advice to, the healing messages they need. But you have to do the work. If you don’t do the work it’ll be the same healing advice until you, do it.
Ironically, I gave one person a message of how to do the healing work needed, and about 12 hours later, I gave almost the same advice to their ex. They both need to go through the same steps to begin to heal so they can give their child the best life possible and co-parent without the messy drama, hurt, anger and emotions. When we offer the person forgiveness, it’s not for them, it’s for you. You don’t even have to tell the person you forgive them, they may not even be asking for forgiveness or apologizing or even acknowledging their part in your hurt, anger or resentment, but you’ll feel so much lighter. You are taking a positive step in the right direction of your life. It’s not saying that what they did you, is acceptable, it’s saying I acknowledge it, I forgive you but I will not allow it to take up anymore space in my heart, my emotions or my soul.
I have noticed, more so lately that spirit comes through with messages of love, messages of pride of where their loved ones are in their lives, and more times than not, they’re apologizing for hurt they have caused.
Happy Sunday friends, thank you for reading. I hope this message helps you to begin the healing process of forgiveness. Remember it’s for us not for the “offender”.
Blessings, love and light
Lisa 💕
Today, I had another early morning chat with one of my besties. We have some of our best chats in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning. Sometimes it helps me to hear messages for myself, which as a medium I rarely get, messages for myself.
Today, I realized that after the events of the last 12 hours that I too have to work on, my shadow work. I found some great information on a few websites to help me begin this process. I, imagine it will be a tough journey, but it’ll be essential in me being the best version of myself. There are also some guided meditations on YouTube, that I will be trying.
When I give healing advice, I feel it’s like someone or something takes over my body and guides me to give the person I am giving the advice to, the healing messages they need. But you have to do the work. If you don’t do the work it’ll be the same healing advice until you, do it.
Ironically, I gave one person a message of how to do the healing work needed, and about 12 hours later, I gave almost the same advice to their ex. They both need to go through the same steps to begin to heal so they can give their child the best life possible and co-parent without the messy drama, hurt, anger and emotions. When we offer the person forgiveness, it’s not for them, it’s for you. You don’t even have to tell the person you forgive them, they may not even be asking for forgiveness or apologizing or even acknowledging their part in your hurt, anger or resentment, but you’ll feel so much lighter. You are taking a positive step in the right direction of your life. It’s not saying that what they did you, is acceptable, it’s saying I acknowledge it, I forgive you but I will not allow it to take up anymore space in my heart, my emotions or my soul.
I have noticed, more so lately that spirit comes through with messages of love, messages of pride of where their loved ones are in their lives, and more times than not, they’re apologizing for hurt they have caused.
Happy Sunday friends, thank you for reading. I hope this message helps you to begin the healing process of forgiveness. Remember it’s for us not for the “offender”.
Blessings, love and light
Lisa 💕